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Request Public Documents Under the Public Information Act

You are welcome to submit up to five requests at a time for either a site-specific location or non-site-specific submission. A request for a site-specific location would typically include a physical address and could also include a facility name. A request for non-site-specific records would typically include a general description of the records you are seeking, such as "emails exchanged between the MDE and the county regarding the Smith Project dated 01/01/2001 through 06/30/2001". A majority of MDE programs require full addresses to complete their searches for site-specific locations and are unable to search only by zip codes, map coordinates, parcel numbers, intersections or tax map notations. Well searches are possible if provided with an intersection or GPS coordinates. If you have any questions prior to submitting your request, please contact our Public Information Act Coordinator Missi Allen/
First name required
Last name required
Address required
City required
Zip code required
Phone Number required
Email required

Address required
City required
Zip code required

Request Public Documents Under the Public Information Act


You are Limited to Five(5) entries per request

Please provide the following information for the entry/site for which you are requesting

Please check off the program(s) from which you are seeking records. Hover over each program to see the program description.

Air & Radiation Administration (ARA)

Land & Materials Administration (LMA)

Water & Science Administration (WSA)

Other MDE Administrations (OTHER)

Other Request Information (limited to 500 characters)

Status of your Online PIA Request

Your request has been received.

You have submitted  of your 5 different entries. Click the Request More button below if you would like to add another entry.
Do not click the browser Back button to enter more requests.

Your temporary request number is:

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Your facility request has been received. You have submitted 5 of your 5 different requests.